Kåret til mest favorittbrenner av Radio Norge - Bli med i Mountain Rescue Club Coffee Abonnement for oktober er Kenya AA Gachartha // Nykommere: Colombian Decaf og 2nd Halloween limited edition: The Scream & Fathers Day Mountain Dad Blend tilgjengelig i dag.// Alps HQ open man-fre(Kl 10.-16).


Mountain Rescue Club :Coffee Subscription: August

Mountain Rescue Club :Coffee Subscription: August
I hope everyone is having or had fine Summer holidays. I managed to sneak away for two weeks in Sunny Sweden since Norway has seen. a lot of variable weather during July. With all this rain in Norway correlates directly to more coffee being consumed which means our Alps Partners have been very busy serving a lot of espresso and ice coffee drinks. We welcome a few new Alps Partners to the family with now Hygge Coffee Bar located in Gol, which is owned and operated by the very talented Milita. She hand bakes all her cakes, breads and just upgraded to a brand new La Marzocco Linea S Espresso machine, so please support her new venture if your near Gol.