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Hario V60 Cone Dripper (02) <
Hario V60 Cone Dripper (02) <
Hario V60 Cone Dripper (02) <
Hario V60 Cone Dripper (02) <

Hario V60 Cone Dripper (02)

Vanlig pris 149,90 kr Salg

This is our favourite way to brew great filter coffee at home. Easy, quick, low clean up and makes tasty consistent coffee. We know you will love it. Also we love how it takes up little space in a kitchen or Winter chalet. Fresh brewed coffee in 3-4 minutes. 

This gadget may have helped Hario in Japan refine the manual hand brewer. The hand brewer V60 resembles funnel with big aperture at the bottom and smooth, rounded shape; this allows for smooth extraction and flavor in the cup. Furthermore, the brewer features spiral-shaped grooves running the length of its wall. More consistent coffee extractions result from these grooves because they let steam freely escape the brewer.  

**Brewer does not include paper filters. 02 size filter papers work best.


 Food grade transparent plastic